Pet Stain and Odor Removal - East-Morrisania-10451/

Pet accidents leave your home or place of business with an unsightly stain and an unpleasant odor. The odor penetrates the fibers and contaminates the floor underneath as well. If not dealt with properly the odor can travel through your entire home or place of business. This impacts both your health and your happiness.

The lingering odor also encourages the pets to have repeated accidents over the same spot. To be sure to get the stain and odor eliminated you should get the accident as soon as possible. The more you delay it, the more urine crystals become concentrated and pungent. The more difficult it becomes to thoroughly remove the pet stain and/or odor.

We know that dealing with the pet accident is hard. It is even more difficult to exact trace the accident spot. The hidden pet accidents result in an unpleasant odor. These hidden spots also encourage the pets to urinate at the same place over and over again and again. To avoid this hire a professional cleaning company like Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning. Our pet stain and odor removal services provide a full deep clean. With the deep cleaning we ensure to not leave any lingering stains or smells.

We clean, deodorize, sanitize and remove pet stains and odors from all, but not limited to; rugs, carpets, upholstery, furniture, drapery. For all homes and places of business.

We Deliver Superior Results

For removing pet urine and the resulting odor you can trust the professionals at Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning. We aim to provide you with long term solutions for your problems. Our pet stain and odor removal treatments are strong enough to attack the odors at their source. Rather than masking the odors, our products destroy the urine crystals and eliminate all the odors.

With us get rid of pet accidents once and for all. We use a special ultraviolet light to detect pet accidents at your home or place of business. We can even trace the accidents you may not have been aware of. We remove even the most stubborn odors from your carpets, rugs, and upholstery, etc. Count on our service for getting the most superior results.

How Do We Remove Pet Stains and Odors?

Pet accidents make it a real challenge to keep a home or place of business clean and smelling nice. To deal with such a mess, getting professional service is the best option to go for. We at Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning handle pet accidents in the best way possible.

At Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning we provide you with specialized pet stain cleaning and odor removal service. Our treatments work at the molecular level and eliminate the stain and odors for good. With us, you can solve even the most severe pet urine stain and odor issues.

Below is the process of how do we remove pet stains and odors...

• We inspect your affected item using a special UV light. This exposes the problem areas and urine deposits otherwise not visible by the naked eye.
• We use our hot extraction cleaning process. This process removes the liquid and loosens the urine crystals.
• We apply our specialized products and treat each stain. The products travel deep into the fibers and even the subfloor.
• After applying the product, we left the affected item for a few minutes. During this time, the breaking down of all the odor-causing matter occurs.
• Finally, we thoroughly wash up each treated area and let it get dried fully. Once dried, your item is ready to be used again.

Contact Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning today to schedule a pet accident analysis. You can also call us, chat with us or email us for learning more about our pet stain and odor removal services.

Easy to Schedule and Book

Feel free to contact us any time via phone, 718-874-6262 , email, or chat for any cleaning repair, restoration or installation service for your home or office.

You can schedule your free estimate and service with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Area Rug Cleaning by Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning.