Leather Cleaning - East-Morrisania-10451/

Preserve the look and feel of your leather furniture, upholstery and rugs with Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning's professional leather cleaning services. We are providing our customers with exceptional leather cleaning and restoration services. All your leather items at Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning are cleaned, processed and refinished as part of our cleaning service.

Leather's unique properties require special understanding for carrying out its cleaning. We at Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning are proud to say that we possess both the knowledge and understanding needed for the purpose. With our various cleaning techniques, we achieve beautiful effects on leather. We take pride in doing the work we are hired for.

Leather Cleaning Experts

Our professional leather cleaning service is not just limited to cleaning. It entails refinishing leather furniture, upholstery and rugs too. We believe that without professional furniture, upholstery and rugs cleaning true leather cleaning service your items will not last very long. We are experienced in cleaning and restoring various types of leather. To preserve the look and feel of your leather furniture, upholstery and rugs. We also use various protective covers. We also apply different oils, dyes, and repellents to the leather to protect it against normal wear and tear.

Professional leather cleaning services also include a repair service on the damage. We at Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning are quite proficient at doing all types of repairs. Our team is talented, trained, and experienced enough to carry out all types of repairs. This is the reason customers trust us for all types of leather related needs. This has strengthened the quality of our service. We deal with more delicate leather items separately. Along with that we also keep in view your requested repairs. Whether you need holes repaired, tears repair, new linings, or any other repair, rely on us. We have a full line of repairs we offer available for you.

What’s So Different about Our Service?

At Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning we let the master leather cleaners and restorers handle the job. With our experience and skills we aim to have your leather furniture, upholstery and rugs last longer. As expert cleaning technicians are fully aware of the art of leather care. We can clean and restore all types of leather including Python, Aniline, Suede, Faux, Eel, etc.

• Expertise to remove the hardest stains.
• Full line of repairs available including marks, holes, and tears.
• Full training in the leather cleaning process
• Assured results with no harm caused to the leather during the process
• Leather conditioning

At Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning we aim to maintain the original beauty of your leather-made items. Be sure to get leather cleaned up regularly. For that, turn up to us and we will handle the rest.

What Is Included In Our Leather Cleaning Services?

At Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning, we keep your leather furniture, upholstery and rugs cleaned and vibrant. Once we are done with the cleaning and any repair (if needed), we move towards applying protectants. Our services ensure to make your leather look more attractive than before. We believe that professional care equals prolonged leather life.

Find out below the leather cleaning services, we offer:

• Application of protectants to avoid damage in the future
• Application of water and oil repellents
• Faux leather cleaning and restoration
• Faux suede cleaning and restoration
• Leather furniture, upholstery and rugs thorough cleaning
• Repairs of all types including tears, holes, dull colors, stains, etc.
• Restoration for leather and suede

Tell us whichever service you need, we will do it for you. In the case, you do not find your desired leather related service here you can feel free to contact us. We will do our best to accommodate you.

Easy to Schedule and Book

Feel free to contact us any time via phone, 718-874-6262 , email, info@bronxorientalrugcleaning.com or chat for any cleaning repair, restoration or installation service for your home or office.

You can schedule your free estimate and service with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Area Rug Cleaning by Bronx Oriental Rug Cleaning.